Green Training Services
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ASHI Courses  (HSI)
US Safety Institute
Medic One Academy
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This 2-day classroom-based Master Trainer led Instructor Develop Course is upon materials provided by the Health & Safety Institute. It is designed to permit course participants to become eligible to register as Medic First Aid (MFA) Level 3 and American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) Level 5 Instructors. Two Programs - 14 Courses in First Aid, CPR & AED, Bloodborne Pathogens, Child/Infant CPR, Emergency Oxygen and Pediatric programs (a total of 14 courses).
As the course progresses, participants are provided with the information, knowledge, skills and techniques needed to design, implement and present Health, Safety & Environmental training programs in their workplaces. The instructor provides insight into the development of contemporary and up to date training programs utilizing the traditional classroom, Facilitator Led delivery methods as well as innovative delivery platforms such as blended learning, distance learning and peer to peer methodology. The many varied educational technologies are also explored.
At the conclusion of this course, candidates will be eligible to present classes and issue successful completion cards to their students/employees. Instructions on creating, operating and maintaining your Training Center included. National Programs 2-Year Instructor Certificate Issued.
A Certified Safety Repair Technician (CSRT) is a patent pending, trademarked, and copyrighted trade certification that teaches students operations, inspections, maintenance, and recordkeeping criteria for safety equipment. The certification's goal is to provide businesses and students with the knowledge and skills to keep safety equipment in an operational-ready state and maintain compliance with federal, state regulations and company requirements. The CSRT trade certification is one of our educational systems.

Our instructors are highly trained and possess skills that can be handed down to students using a science-based, statistically proven method to give students the highest level of retention rates based on the extensive "Hands-On" training each student receives. This course covers 11 modules of safety equipment which are: 
To complete the course requirements, students must participate in every module and complete the skills proficiently without any coaching or assistance during the assessment scenarios. A student's competency is considered either proficient or not proficient based on the performance of the critical components of skills that are necessary to meet the objective.

Upon completion, students will be able to provide meaningful, life-saving services to keep safety equipment in working order. By doing so, businesses will be able to rest easy knowing that their safety equipment is compliant and ready to be used within their operations. Additionally, students will know the limitations of what they can and cannot do with their equipment to ensure they are providing legal support to their businesses. 
Certified Safety Repair Technician
(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.269 & 1926.501 & 503)

Using several different types of fall arrest equipment in worksites across the country creates an awareness and respect for the potential hazard with your employees. Eliminate fall incidents from occurring at your facility, keep your worker safe and protected from falls. Fall protection such as fall arrest systems, fall restraint systems, guardrails, safety nets, covers, and warning line systems provide effective protection when used properly:

• Anchor Points - Rope grabs
• Full body harness - Lanyards  
• Fall hazards - Lifelines  
• Inspection of equipment
• Fall arrest components
• Systems use & maintenance

(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147)

In this 8 hour Regulatory and Compliance woorkshop, you will learn up-to-date information on Lockout/Tagout, this program provides employees with information on how to reduce injuries caused by improper procedures while working with machines. This program is ideal for all affected employees and includes training on:
Comply with OSHA training requirements while motivating workers to recognize the potential hazards of stored energy and follow established safety procedures to reduce energy release accidents in your plant.

• Importance of lockout/tagout
• Responsibilities of affected personnel
• Overview of lockout/tagout procedures
• What is an authorized employee
• Preparing for lockout - Best safety practices
• Additional procedures - Working as a group
•De-energizing and restoring equipment
• Additional Safety measures

(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134)

This Respiratory Protection course, you will learn the necessary elements to evaluate respiratory hazards present in the workplace. Using....
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 as a basis, this course reviews the OSHA expectations and requirements for an Employee Workplace Respiratory Program. Topics covered include:

    - Assessment of the Workplace
    - Requirements of a Written Plan
    - Overview of the Device Selection Process
    - Medical Questionnaires and Mask Fit Requirements
    - Care, Maintenance and Replacement of Devices

Equip your employees with the basics of respiratory protection. Alert them to the importance of protecting their respiratory systems and provide them with helpful tips for maintaining ang properly using respirators. A clear explanation of the OSHA standard is included.
(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200)

The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is now aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Labeling of Chemicals (GCS). This update to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) will provide a common and coherent approach to classifying chemicals and communicating hazard information on labels and safety data sheets.
This update will also help reduce trade barriers and will result in productivity improvements for American businesses that regularly handle, store, and use hazardous chemicals while providing cost savings for American businesses that periodically update safety data sheet and labels for chemicals covered under the hazard communication standard.
- Participants will learn how to interpret the the HCE ACT
- Participants will learn what responsibilities the Chemical manufacturers        and importers must follow 
- Participants will learn what is expected of their employer, including proper    labeling and training
- Participants will learn the major changes in Hazard classification, Safety      Data Sheets, and Labels 
(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030)

In this 8-hour Instructors class, by using a step-by-step approach, will help you develop a Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan. You will leave the class with your Exposure Control Plan in hand. This Instructor Course requires you to provide your own laptop if possible. The target audience is the program administrator, manager, and company facilitator. You will also learn how to conduct Bloodborne Pathogens Training, as well as train others in your company to present this program to their departments.
(OSHA 29 CFR 1926.450, 451, 454)

Per the OSHA scaffolding certification guidelines, employers are required to have every employee who works on. erects, secures,or dismantles a scaffold trained by a qualified person in order to recognize the hazards the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used, and to understand the procedures to minimize hazards. Our scaffolding training course satisfies the training requirements for OSHA 29 CFR & 1926 Subpart L Scaffolds Safety Standards. In this class participants will learn:

(The Role of the Competent Person) (Safe Assembly)
(Pre-assembly Inspection) (Pre-shift inspection)
(Maintenance) (Guardrails) (Dismantling)  
(Personal Fall Arrest Systems)

  OSHA Required Scaffolding Training
- Nature of and correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards.
- The nature of and correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, and       disassembling fall protection systems and falling object protection         systems in use.
- The proper use of scaffold and the proper handling of the materials         on the scaffold.
- The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the       scaffold used.  

(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.32 & 1926.102)

In this 4-hour class participants will learn about most of the Personal Protective Equipment on the market today. This includes Eyes, Face, Head, Extremities, Protective Clothing, Respiratory Devices, and Barriers. 
According to OSHA, over 30% of all disabling injuries ranging from face to foot, could have been prevented with the right protective equipment. This course covers how to use the right PPE for a variety of situations, and how to correctly use each type of equipment. 
(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 & 29 CFR 1926.602)

In this fast-paced Instructor Trainer Course and workshop, participants will learn the OSHA requirements, how they affect companies and how to comply with the standards. This course is designed to give the tools and knowledge needed to return to work, train forklift operators, and train new forklift instructors.
(New OSHA requirements).
Operating a forklift is a highly skilled job that is dangerous if not done properly. you need to know all about your forklift truck and it's operation, including:
  Design and Function
  Controls and Instruments
  Pre-use Inspection
  Stability, Capacity, and Visibility
Coupled with your hands-on training, this knowledge is your first step in becoming qualified as a professional forklift operator.
The next step ...demonstrating your skill and understanding of the forklift with every load, is up to you,
NOTE: This class is for those who are currently forklift operators
(OSHA CFR 1910.146 & 1926.203 - 1207 - 1211)

In this 8 hour Regulatory and Compliance workshop you will get a thorough review of the typical scenarios that rescue workers may encounter is presented by a professional instructor with experience. Your rescue team and emergency response personal learn best safety practices and proven procedures to recover injured or incapacitated workers.
Real experiences are used to train workers on the hazards of working in a confined space and the importance of following proper entry procedures. Your workers will learn:
This program includes:

• Rescue pre-planning and training 
• Proper use of safety and rescue equipment
• Hazards of permit-required spaces
• Definition of a confined space
• Proper entry procedures including permits,
  monitoring and PPE
• Associated hazards and responsibilities

Open up your employees understanding of the hazards of confined spaces. Using a realistic depiction of a negligent entry into a confined space, this program will allow you to teach employees how to identify and access hazards associated with confined spaces, as well as protection measures and effective and safe rescue techniques.

ASHI's (EMR) program is designed for Non-EMS Responders who desire or require certification in Emergency Medical Response. This program is consistent with national EMS curriculum requirements and educations standards. It is ideal for those who need training comparable to Emergency Medical Responder, but do not need licensure or credentialing from a state EMS agency.

This course is structured to meet the requirements of MSHA Part 48b Surface New Miner training. This course is intended for the contractor or mine employee that needs the full 24 hours of Part 48b training covering all the mandatory subjects required by MSHA, except a physical mine tour. After satisfactory completion of this course you will receive a MSHA training certificate (5000-23) via email from your instructor.

This course consist of two modules. The first module includes prep work that your instructor assigns to you. This module will consist of training videos, handouts, exercises, presentations, and quizzes. Your instructor will be following your progress as you make your way through this module and is available by instant course messaging at all times.
Underground mining and the surface areas of underground mines present numerous health and safety hazards. Even experienced miners require MSHA Part 48 refresher training to meet regulatory requirements and stay safe. This online certification course presents an overview of Part 48 refresher requirements. It covers basic safety training regulations for underground mine work, emergency response procedures, and how to recognize and avoid mining hazards.
In addition, this MSHA underground refresher course covers the rights and responsibilities of miners.

​(OSHA CFR 1910.146 & 1926.203 - 1207 - 1211)
If you remove hazardous wastes or are exposed to hazardous substances at your job and need to meet annual training requirements, our 8-Hour HAZWOPER Refresher course is perfect for you. The course reviews all the materials required by:
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120
You’ll get an overview of a variety of topics, such as personal protective equipment, decontamination, confined space entry, medical surveillance, and standard emergency procedures. You will also learn how to recognize hazards to ensure you’re prepared to respond to dangerous conditions.
Additionally, the course provides essential information on how to properly handle and dispose of hazardous waste, in case it’s necessary within the course of your job or because of an unexpected emergency.
Plus, you'll also get a refresher on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) so that you thoroughly understand OSHA's 2013 updates to the Hazardous Communication Standard.
Who Should Take the 8-Hour HAZWOPER Annual Refresher Course?
This course serves as an annual refresher for all employees, regardless of whether or not you previously completed
40-Hour training or 24-Hour training.
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